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Doctor of Traditional Islamic Medicine Course
Module 1 - Foundation Theory
Welcome (2:45)
Overview of the course
Traditional Islamic Medicine Principles
Quraan and Sound Therapy
Traditional Islamic Medicine vs Allopathic Medicine
Duality in Nature & Medicine
Mutashaabihaat and 5 basic element correspondences
Temperaments and Constitutions
Temperaments & Constitutions 2
Nafs, Aql, Fikr, Rooh and Taaqat
Organs and Systems
Advanced constitutions and treating with elemental formulae (87:43)
Dietary recommendations for each constitution
Question and Answer Session - Internal/External & Excess/Deficient Part 1 (48:31)
Question and Answer Session - Excess/Deficient (31:03)
Phlegm (43:11)
Module 2 - Ghaibi pathways
Internal Nur (Light) and its distribution and purpose in the body
The Liver Pathway
The Gallbladder Pathway
Stomach pathway
Colon Pathway
Direct organ pathway
Backbone Channel
Module 3 - Causes and identification of disease
Root Causes of Disease
Stomach and Digestive system (batn) root syndromes (35:52)
Emotional causes of illness - Anger
Emotional causes of illness - Overjoy/Hatred
Emotional causes of illness - Worry
Emotional causes of illness - Grief/Sadness
Emotional causes of illness - Fear
Physical causes of Illness
Environmental causes of illness
Metaphysical causes of illness - Jinn
Metaphysical causes of illness - Sihr
Metaphysical causes of illness - Evil eye
Module 4 - Diagnosis
The 7 Questions to diagnose any illness
Question 1 - History and nature of the presenting illness
Question 2 - Pain
Question 3 - Urine & Stools
Question 4 - Thirst & Appetite
Question 5 - Sleep, Exercise & Lifestyle
Question 6 - Menstrual cycle & reproductive system
Question 7 - Mood & Mizaaj
Sihr (Jadoo) or Physical
Reconciling conflicting symptoms and signs
Classifying the root and branch of the illness
Diagnosis practice
Sample questionnaire & Module assessment
Module 5 - Hijama Therapeutics
Bleeding equipment
Technique selection based on Diagnosis
Technique selection based on Pulse
Point & Area selection
Point/Area bleeding techniques
Extremity bleeding (1:20)
Advanced: Bleeding veins and varicosities
Advanced: Circling the dragon technique
Wound/cut aftercare
Assignment: Case study tests
Module 6 - Dietary therapy
Principles of Islamic Dietary Therapy
Sunnah eating
Developing an individualised dietary treatment plan
Dietary therapy presentation
Foods for syndromes
Batn and Stomach syndromes dietary recommendations (38:42)
Module 7 - Treating Mental/Emotional Disorders
Stress & Depression
Impaired memory
Module 8 - Treating Disorders of the Eyes, ears, nose and throat
Itchy & rough eyes
Tinnitus & Deafness
Epistaxis (Nose bleeding)
Sore, swollen throat
Module 9 - Treating Disorders of the Head & Face
Hair loss & Premature greying
Module 10 - Treating Disorders of the Chest, Abdomen, Back and Hypochondriac region
Chest pain
Stomach pain
Nausea & Vomiting
Lumbar pain
Menstrual illnesses
Understanding menses and diagnostic questions related to menstruation (37:47)
Infectious Illnesses
Colds and Flu 1 (34:41)
Bonus Module - Ruqya
What is Ruqya
How to perform Ruqya
Case studies
General methodology - Case of upper limb weakness (114:37)
Case study - Skin condition (worsening exudative pimples in 36yo male since puberty)
General questions 1 (18:29)
Case study - 96yo male with vertigo (30:04)
Case study - 14yo Nosebleed (34:14)
Case study: 9yo with headache (20:17)
Case Study: Bipolar disorder (26:35)
Case study: Tiredness / Trembling hands
Case study - Late menses (30:49)
Case study
Case Study - Post covid lower body weakness and pain
Live session recording - Muscle weakness
Foundation principles through Case study - Headaches
Case study - Digestive issues (6th August 2024)
Case study - Menopause etc (13th August 2024)
Case study - Anxiety and menstrual cramps (40:30)
Case study - Menstrual issues (39:03)
Case study - Tired and exhausted 23F (26:13)
Case study - Infertility/Digestive weakness (45:09)
Case study - 14yo Sinus/Constipation (120:36)
Case study - 18yo Irregular menstruation | Blood deficiency causes (16:00)
Prescribing elemental and advanced herbal formulae
Intro - Constitutions and root syndromes (20:03)
Overview of the range of formulae in relation to constitutions (25:49)
Ajwa Date Seed Range - Heart Shifaa
Ajwa Date Seed Range - Insulin Balance
Ajwa Date Seed Range - Fertility
Ajwa Date Seed Range - Men's Health
Ajwa Date Seed Range - Cognitive Calm
Q&A Live Sessions
11th August 2023
July 18th
20th August - Causes of bleeding (23:23)
8th October - Case of liver damage, vegetarianism
Treating Modern Medical Diseases
Anemia Live discussion (21:59)
11th August 2023
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