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Principles of Islamic Medicine from the Quran and Ahadeeth
Ahlan wa Sahlan
Hadeeth of من تطبّب
A cure for every disease
Hadeeth of Ibn Masud (RA)
Allah ﷻ is the originator of all illnesses
Definition of ‘illness’ and the types of illnesses
Where is the cure to be found?
الهرم و السام (Aging and death) & the meaning of كل in the ahadeeth of Tibb
The correct treatment and seeking the cure
Hadeeth of Salma (RA)
Modern medicine vs traditional medicine
Where is the cure to be found?
اخر الدواءالكي
Iatrogenic Illnesses
Treatment and medicine is from taqdeer
Hadeeth of Abu Khuzama (RA)
Pyromancy and divination
Hadith of Abu Huraira (RA)
Attribution of illness
Fleeing from the leper and separating the healthy camels from the sick
Taking the hand of the leper
Lessons from the COVID response
Forbidden methods of treatment
Hadeeth of khamr
Hadeeth of Abu Darda (RA)
Substances which harm the body
Vaccines containing haraam ingredients
Fiqh of this matter
Causes of Illness
Diet: Hadeeth of disease from stomach
Imbalance: Hadeeth of heat
External effect: Hadeeth of utensils open at night
Lifestyle: Intercourse during pregnancy
Excess: Hadeeth of Body has a right
Neglect of sunnah practices
Principles of Diagnosis
Different states of health: Hadeeth of Ummul Mundhir (RA)
Searching for the cause: Hadeeth regarding Harith Ibn kallada
Temperaments and Mizaaj
Differences amongst ethnicities and tribes
توافق الداء
Principles of illness prevention & treatment
Hadeeth of combining dates with cucumber
Verse of Quran regarding do not be wasteful/extravagant
Hadeeth of Ummul Mundhir (RA)
Qualities and effects of medicines
ابردوها بالماء
Apply the correct treatment: Hadeeth of Henna for leg pain
Treating with sadaqa
Perseverance with the prescribed treatment: Hadeeth of Anas Ibn Malik (RA)
Hijama & Other Therapies Recommended in the Sunnah
The essence of treatment
When Hijama is forbidden
Dietary therapy
Spiritual therapy
Medicinal therapy
Bonus section: Metaphysical illnesses & Ruqya
Sihr, Ain (Evil eye) and influence of Jinn
How to recognise metaphysical from physical illness
The best ruqya
Definition of ‘illness’ and the types of illnesses
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